25th April, 2022 – Air Navigation Solutions (ANSL) has agreed a partnership with Liverpool John Lennon Airport and its internal air navigation services provider, Air Traffic Control Services Limited (ATCSL), which will see ANSL implement Radar in The Tower (RiTT) operations at the Airport.
The work led by ANSL involves a technical assessment of the existing air traffic management equipment, development of operational procedures, and creation of a training plan and materials. ANSL will also support the engagement with the Civil Aviation Authority on behalf of ATCSL and Liverpool John Lennon Airport. These services will be complemented by a human factors review carried out by ANSL’s Human Factors Specialist, Lucy Kirkland.
RiTT, when implemented, will enable the Airport to combine the provision of the ‘approach’ and ‘tower’ services from one controller working position at times of low demand or in low complexity traffic scenarios. This reduces the need for additional air traffic control officers (ATCOs) during these periods, enabling support of other critical activities in the air traffic control unit.
The combined service delivery also provides ATCOs with more optimal levels of air traffic handling during periods of low demand, such as the Covid-19 pandemic.
ANSL has operated RiTT at Edinburgh Airport for several years, and adapted and flexed its use during the pandemic to ensure optimal air traffic management service delivery.
Sandy Legget, General Manager Air Traffic Services at Edinburgh Airport for ANSL, says: “We quickly adapted our RiTT operation at Edinburgh when traffic levels were seriously impacted by the pandemic. We were able to limit the risk of cross-contamination substantially by reducing the number of staff required in the operations room at any one time.
“Being able to deploy our expertise and experience with the implementation of RiTT for Liverpool Airport is a great opportunity to share innovative ways of delivering air traffic services across the industry.”
Matt Jackson, Air Traffic Services Manager (ATSM) at Liverpool’s John Lennon Airport, says: “The implementation of RiTT at our airport adds flexibility to our air traffic control function which is critical, today more than ever. In the longer term, RiTT will allow us to release staff for important projects. ANSL presented a compelling and well thought through solution, and their experience and expertise is exactly what we need to complement our own teams and ensure a swift and efficient implementation.”
The programme is expected to take approximately four months and initially culminate in an operational trial of RiTT operations at Liverpool Airport. Following a successful trial, this concept will be available for implementation for use on a longer-term basis.
The agreement between ANSL and ATCSL was concluded earlier this year and works have commenced with the aim to commence initial RiTT operations before this summer.